Will Nye star with Obama in Clinton 2?

Obama’s budget resolution passed 233-196. Cap and Tax legislation trying to stop global warming while I’m trying on fall coats passed by a slimmer 219-212.

Pelosi can only lose 38 Democrats. She’s already lost 23, and Congressman Glenn Nye won’t say what he’ll do. Perhaps he hasn’t been told yet.

It’s not like he had any town hall meetings. He planned a speech to Democrats, but that was canceled when someone outside of the lefty clique said they’d show up. He turned down a Republican invitation to make the same speech, but his office said he wasn’t “prepared.”

Hell, we said that all last year.

But health care is different. Obama’s numbers are falling, especially among independents. And it’s starting to look like a Hollywood remake of a classic film.

September 1993 – Bill Clinton rolls out his health care plan in a huge speech to a Joint Session of Congress. He holds up his veto pen and tells Congress if they don’t do what his wife says, he’ll start hitting on interns, or he’ll veto it..something like that.

Obama the genius thinks that the best thing to do in September of his first year is make a televised speech to a Joint Session of Congress (tonight, in fact).

Clinton didn’t actually show the public his little bill, (the document…not everything is a pun!), until November. It was enough to help George Allen rebound and send Mary Sue Terry to giving speeches on the mornings of Democrat state conventions.

Obama has his bill out now. Clinton’s public pummeling went through the summer of ’94, until Sen. George Mitchell, who turned down the Supreme Court to fight for Clinton’s health care plan (brilliant choice), offered a new, fantastic exciting idea!


See, sometimes remakes are fun, but the sad part is you already know the ending. And it’s about now that people wonder why they bothered to do a remake in the first place.

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