Stacked Panel for Governor’s Debate

The panelists have been announced for a proposed televised debate between Bob McDonnell, able and virtuous leader running to turn the Virginia economy around, and Creigh Deeds, massive tax and spender who one year ago today voted to enact regional sales and gas taxes on Hampton Roads and adding state tax increases on top of it.

The impartial and non-partisan panelists:
AARP Virginia State President Warren Stewart, EdD – who ran as a Democrat against Thelma Drake and has given mucho dollars to Tim Kaine.

League of Women Voters of Virginia President Olga Hernandez, who gave money to a Democrat Lt. Governor candidate.

Public Broadcasting’s “Virginia Currents” host May-Lily Lee, and we know how politically centrist public broadcasting is. Actually, I read a book once entitled, “Conservative hosts of PBS” – it was William F. Buckley’s picture followed by 257 blank pages.

CBS 6 anchor Stephanie Rochon rounds out the bunch, who challenged Barack Obama with probing thoughts like “That’s fabulous” and “I’m glad to see that.”

Here’s the really funny part. The press release repeats the word “non-partisan” so many times, I think someone got paid royalties. (Thanks to Vivian Paige and her commentors, by the way)

If the AARP and LWV are so non-partisan, why are their Presidents Democrat donors/candidates? I never notice anyone on these panels to ever have given a single dime to a Republican, but they are loaded with ones who give to Democrats.

And for crying out loud, a former Democrat candidate for Delegate is now “non-partisan”????? Does that mean we can send up a Republican candidate to be on the panel? At least that would be balanced.

Heck, send up Thelma Drake and together she and Warren Stewart can relive the time when she trounced him in the 87th district.

Non-partisan… eye.

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