Alaska Democrat Speaks the Truth!

Alaskan Democratic Senator Mark Begich has broken through the political smokescreen of his party. Sen. Begich has petitioned the Obama Administration to refrain from cutting missle defence spending at this critical juncture in foreign policy. He has rightly pointed to the fact that Alaska is a critical “front line of defence.”

This Democratic Senator has just made a point that Governor Palin and others have been making all along; we must not cut our missle defence efforts. In response to the North Korean nuclear and missle tests yesterday, Governor Palin stated that we must not cut our missle defence capabilities.

Senator Begich and Governor Palin speak to this issue with a great deal of credibility. Alaska hosts Fort Greely, which is one of our nations critical missle defence posts, and would likely intercept any incoming missle that could come from North Korea or China. It was often overlooked during the campaign of last year, just how much credibility Governor Palin had on military issues, such as her receiving briefings on priviledged information.

The bottom line here is that a Democratic Senator and a Republican Governor are working together to put our nation’s security first. That is something that our nation desperately needs at this moment in history.

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