Thelma Drake says “no mas”

“Thank you for all your help, support and prayers throughout my political career. You have given generously and worked tirelessly for our ideals and vision of government.

I want you to know that I have decided not to run for Congress in 2010.

As the days pass I feel it is important that I announce my decision so that others can search their souls to determine if they would consider this run.

My hope is that by working together we can select a candidate best suited to win this seat and to best represent the people of the 2nd district.

These are critical times and we are all concerned about the future direction of our country. I know you join me in deep concern over the policies being enacted and debated now.

Today is our wedding anniversary; Ted and I have been married 19 years. Of those years only 3 have not involved either running or serving in public office. We have determined it is time to step back and let someone else lead. Our 4 grandchildren are still at ages that we can impact their lives and be involved with them. The youngest cheered when I gave him this news. All of them have grown up knowing that all too often I would be unavailable.

It is an honor to have served in both the US House and the Virginia House of Delegates. I know that I have made a difference in policy debates. The 2 things I will miss the most are the interactions with our military and the ability to serve the citizens of our area.

I was the 203rd woman to serve in the US House of Representatives. Serving these years has given me the opportunity to travel, meet world leaders, visit our troops both here and in war zones, learn of such tragedies as human trafficking, be a voice in both domestic and foreign policy issues and to make wonderful lifelong friends.

Thank you for helping me to do all of this and so much more.

Ted and I will remain involved both in the community and politically. It is time for us to move onto a new path and to allow a new person to step forward. Our prayer is that we will be able to accomplish more on the outside and that we will win this seat back and have a great member of Congress.

God bless you and God bless America.”



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