The on-line race in Virginia

Jose Vargas of the Washington Post writes an account of how each gubernatorial candidate is performning on-line in Virginia.

Vargas notes that “there is no visible gap between the two parties in Virginia”, like there may have been in 2008.

Tucker Martin, McDonnell spokesman, also recognizes that fundraising is not the key element of having an on-line presence, but building a grassroots movement is:

“The Internet is not just all about raising money, though,” said McDonnell spokesman Tucker Martin. “It’s about collecting e-mails and cellphone numbers and building a list of supporters.”

And the McDonnell campaign is doing a fantastic job of it. Whether it’s a myriad of social media sites, text messaging, or their blog outreach, the campaign is growing their list of supporters and the movement. The GOP has come a long way in just a short amount of time.

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