McDonnell to DO something about the environment, not just talk about it

I got a chuckle yesterday reading Lowell Feld’s post on Blue VA about McDonnell citing the independent Thomas Jefferson Institute’s report on off-shore energy sources. Lowell practically seethed condescension as he attempted to broad-brush TJI as a partisan organization and that the study, which referenced science from Australia, was somehow flawed.

What’s interesting about TJI, is that at least three of its board members are pretty connected to the Democratic Party. Not the least being Eva Hardy who gave $5000 to Lowell’s guy, Chairman Terry McAuliffe and is considered part of the McAuliffe “kitchen cabinet”.

Additionally, since when is citing a study conducted from a G-20 country somehow not valid? Australia is and economic power and one of the world’s largest producers/exporters of agriculture and natural resources, so they probably know a thing or two about off-shore drilling.

But I digress…instead of poking holes in scientific facts, Feld should be applauding the one candidate in this race who actually promised to do something substantive, without fleecing the taxpayer, for the environment yesterday.

During the Kaine administration, 400,000 acres of land in Virginia were conserved in a bi-partisan effort between the governor and Speaker Howell. Yesterday, McDonnell said:

“As our population increases, and land is developed in Virginia at a rate of roughly 60,000 acres a year, it is important we continue this bipartisan conservation effort. As Governor I will do so by ensuring that we conserve another 400,000 acres by the conclusion of my term in January 2014.”

McDonnell continued by proposing to increase the land conservation tax credit from 40% to 50% of the qualified appraised value of the land to “further incentivize citizens to participate in our successful land conservation efforts.”

“We will use free market policies to pass on Virginia’s natural wonders to our children, grandchildren and all who follow,” said McDonnell.

Imagine that…the free market and the environment working together. One might call it a symbiotic ecosystem.

I doubt our friends on the left will see it that way though. They’d rather chase rainbows than do something real.

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