Nye and Perriello demonstrate that Virginia is purple

If you look at the past elections of Sens. Jim Webb and Mark Warner, the state senate switching parties, and three U.S. House seats moving to the Democrats, one would say that on face value, Virginia is a blue state.

However, you’d be wrong.

Case in point, if Virginia is truly turning blue, would Tom Perriello and Glenn Nye make-up 10% of all Democrats who voted against the Democrats budget last week?

Nye, who, according to his own press release, is building a “strong reputation as a pro-business, fiscally-conservative Democrat” clearly doesn’t represent the progressive interests of his more ardent supporters.

Then you have Tom Perriello who is leading a crusade on earmark reform stating “this is a serious step towards transparency for taxpayers. As promised, we have set up a public process for submitting proposals and identified cost-effective and transformative projects.”

Clearly the two congressman recognize that unrestrained spending has been their party’s downfall in the past.

Too bad they are only 2 of 20.

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