Cook Wins Fairfax Braddock Supervisor Seat

By 89 votes John Cook is now the Republican Supervisor of Fairfax’s Braddock District.  From FCRC Chair Anthony Bedell:

This afternoon I am happy to announce that John C. Cook is the winner of the Braddock Special Election! John received 6,292 votes, which is 47.91% of the vote. Moon received 6,203 votes or 47.24% of the vote. The election should be officially certified this evening. At this time it is unclear whether or not there will be a recount or if the Democrats will file any lawsuits contesting the election. While this may happen, it is highly unlikely any recount or challenge will change the outcome of this election!

This is obviously incredible news for John C. Cook, the residents of Braddock District and the entire FCRC team. For the first time in the history of Braddock District, we now have a Republican Supervisor. Thank you for all your hard work in this special election, it certainly has paid off!

John Cook will be holding a Press Conference outside the Fairfax County Government Center at 4:30PM to discuss the results of the election.

Additional details to follow tomorrow.

Anthony Bedell

P.S. On a personal note I would also like to thank Supervisor Pat Herrity for laying the groundwork for this win based on his incredible efforts during his run for Chairman of the Board. Pat also provided critical resources that helped push John C. Cook over the finish line.

Congrats to Cook and everyone up in Fairfax and Northern Virginia on a solid win.

UPDATE: Supervisor-Elect John C. Cook’s Victory Statement

Today the results from the Fairfax County Board of Elections show that I have been elected the next Braddock District Supervisor.  I thank the Board of Elections for its difficult but professional work today counting the votes that were cast.

I want to thank the voters of Braddock District for the confidence they have placed in me.  There is no greater honor in public life than to be selected by your neighbors to be their representative in government.  I look forward to serving my Braddock District neighbors on the Board of Supervisors.  Working together, we will strengthen our neighborhoods, bring new and innovative ideas to the challenges we face, and bring a fresh voice of fiscal responsibility to the County.

I want to thank my campaign chairman Tessie Wilson, Supervisor Pat Herrity, my campaign staff and all the volunteers who made this grass-roots victory possible.  Most of all, I thank my family, whose love and support made this race possible.

Supervisor-Elect John C. Cook, Braddock District

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