Omeish for Delegate

Speaking of voting for the weaker candidate in a Democratic primary, do I have one for you.

Anyone remember a dude sporting the moniker Esam Omeish?

Governor Kaine appointed him to the Virginia Commission on Immigration in September of 2007.

Following a flurry of controversy, he resigned – less than 24 hours later.

Now, he’s seeking the Democrat nomination for Delegate in the 35th – Steve Shannon’s district. Shannon is running for Attorney General.

He’s been President of the Muslim American Society and he characterizes himself as a “community organizer” on his website.

Here is a speech Dr. Omeish gave. Omeish resigned from the Commission after Gov. Kaine learned that he had said the “faulty policy of the U.S. must be terminated” and “you have learned the way, that you have known that the jihad way is the way to liberate your land.” You can hear his comments yourself.

One doesn’t have to look far to find even more such virulent rhetoric from Dr. Omeish. Seems that the radical Muslim Brotherhood which spawned Hamas, at least in part, has ties to Omeish’s Muslim American Society. There has been some question as to whether MAS is a more moderate reincarnation of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S., and if so, how much more moderate?

Anyway, Omeish for Delegate anyone?

Oh, BTW, please, please, please remember to distinguish between opposing radical, jihadist Islamicists and discriminating against Muslim Americans.

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