McAuliffe makes some ridiculous claims about McDonnell

Terry McAuliffe appears to no longer be concerned with Brian Moran or Creigh Deeds…he’s starting to attack Bob McDonnell. Despite the fact that he doesn’t have the nomination and it’s almost 8 months before the general election, McAuliffe is already in negative campaign mode (maybe because it’s what he’s most used to).

On Wednesday, the spin-masters at McAuliffe central command, went into a full-throated screed against McDonnell.

“It seems like every time we get a chance to put aside partisanship and get things done, Bob McDonnell chooses ideology over what’s best for the Commonwealth.”

Wow…that’s rich coming from a former chairman of the DNC and Clinton henchman.

“In the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, working together has never been more important. In that spirit, Republican governors such as Florida’s Charlie Christ and California’s Arnold Schwarzenegger found common ground with President Obama on the economic stimulus package – recognizing the need to take bold action to turn things around.

“But not Bob McDonnell. He applauded the politicians who tried to stop the bill.”

Yes, he did. Maybe because he didn’t want to saddle the nation with trillions of dollars in debt that will have to be paid back by our children and their children. While we’re living large on the hog from all the pork that gets stuffed into these bills, and the wasteful bureaucracy that goes along with it, we’re only digging ourselves deeper into financial crisis.

It’s called economics.

Maybe instead of badgering his political opponents to score political points with his base, McAuliffe ought to consider the people of Virginia.

“In 2004, facing the largest budget shortfall in Virginia history and cuts to vital state services, fiscally-responsible Republicans joined with Governor Mark Warner to pass a bipartisan tax reform package that saved our triple-A bond rating and restored integrity to the budgeting process.

“But not Bob McDonnell. Not only did he vote against the tax reform package, but this past fall he threw his lot in with the guy who created the budget disaster in the first place — Bob gave Jim Gilmore his enthusiastic endorsement.”

This is once again proof that McAuliffe knows very little about Virginia politics and economics.

Revenues were beginning to increase when Warner shoved that tax plan down our throats. A few wrong-minded Republicans – not conservatives – actually STIFLED our economy with that tax increase — a tax increase which is likely part of the cause of our problems today.

McAuliffe goes around the commonwealth claiming “jobs, jobs, jobs”…well, instead of picketing with Unions, maybe he might want to consider making the state attractive to investment.

Raising taxes in 2004 was not the way to do that.

“Then, earlier this month, Republicans like House Speaker Bill Howell joined with Governor Tim Kaine to pass a smoking ban that will ensure our kids aren’t exposed to second-hand smoke when they go out to eat.

“But not Bob McDonnell. He opposed the smoking ban, putting ideology ahead of our children’s health.”

Oh, yes. It’s for the children.

Despite the fact that nearly 75% of restaurants in urban settings are already smoke-free without legislation, Chairman McAuliffe feels that it’s o.k. to shove an unfunded mandate down on small businesses – many of them just getting by. By passing this smoking legislation, some bars and restaurants will have to undergo major renovation and construction projects to meet the intent of the law.

How many small mom and pop restaurants will be able to do this? How many are going to shut down because of this?

Apparently Chairman McAuliffe agrees with the ideology of Chairman Mao – to hell with the free market.

“…we don’t want to turn our backs on the progress of the past seven years under Mark Warner and Tim Kaine. And maybe we can even elect a few more like-minded people to the House of Delegates to help us get it all done.”

Progress? Where’s the transportation bill? $3.2 billion budget deficit? Jobs being lost left and right?

When Bob McDonnell was in the House of Delegates he was part of a Republican coalition that created jobs, lowered taxes, was tough on crime and worked in a real bi-partisan manner with Democrats in the General Assembly.

As Attorney General, he protected this commonwealth by a tough stand against identity theft, sexual predators, promoting internet safety, and strengthening mental health laws.

Bob McDonnell has been working in Virginia for Virginians for decades. He’s not a johnny-come-lately whose first inclination is to attack and assume the mantle of power.

“Chairman McAuliffe is a career partisan who has a record of professional fundraising to help the national Democratic Party,” said Tucker Martin about this hit-piece from McAuliffe. “This defines empty rhetoric.”

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