Carbone makes the case for tax reform

Leslie Carbone, fellow blogger from the Jeffersoniad, has completed her book “Slaying Leviathan: The Moral Case for Tax Reform.”

From the synopsis:

“From punishing prosperity with progressive tax rates to borrowing billions to bail out banks, U.S. fiscal policy over the course of the last century has undermined both natural justice and economic well-being. In the natural order, virtue and vice each carries its own consequences. On the one hand, virtue yields largely positive results; hard work, patience, and carefulness, for example, tend to bring about prosperity. Vice, on the other hand, brings negative consequences; sloth, impatience, and recklessness, for example, lead to suffering.

“In Slaying Leviathan, Leslie Carbone argues that, since the early twentieth century, U.S. tax policy has mitigated the natural economic results of virtue and vice.”

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