Cuccinelli really is running for AG, and other observations

Just a couple quick hits from today’s activities…

1) I didn’t have a chance to speak with Sen. Ken Cuccinelli as he was sprinting across Capitol Square for session. Must be a time management problem.

2) Scott Hirons, the new technology manager of the House Republican Caucus, works in a 6×6 room with plain white walls. No worries…they’re not padded…yet.

3) Del. Kris Amundson is a very tolerant woman.

4) Katherine Powell, Del. Sal Iaquinto’s legislative aid, is permitted to keep a very nice and polite dog in the office. It is not ugly…despite what Del. Cosgrove says. Of course, Del. Cosgrove and I don’t necessarily see eye-to-eye on a couple of things lately.

Of course, he did something excellent today on the “Porn Tax” regarding movie rentals in hotels. He wanted to send the money to local transportation, as opposed to the general fund and the governor’s motion picture opportunity fund.

The amendment was defeated.

“If we’re going to do this, you can send the money to Hollywood or roads for our local communities,” mentioned Cosgrove to other delegates. “I choose roads.”

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