Virginia budget gets one more week in the state senate

The State Senate has wisely delayed consideration of the budget for another week until this year’s revenue projections are actually released next week.

“For the past three weeks, our Caucus has argued for caution in budgeting,” noted Senator Walter A. Stosch (R – Henrico), a member of the Senate Finance Committee and a budget conferee. “We asked for a budget based on realistic and accurate revenue forecasts and for judicious use of the federal stimulus package. Agreeing to this delay permits us time to see the latest revenue estimates, to know the final stipulations of the federal stimulus package, and to base a budget on these realities.”

The Senate Finance Committee is expected to complete its work on the budget by next Wednesday.

However, some Senators are eager to get started with the debate.

“My challenges (via the budget) to the Dems’ watering down of the abolition of parole and our effort to defund Planned Parenthood will have to wait until next week,” said Sen. Ken Cuccinelli.

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