My email to Senators Warner & Webb

Dear Senator:

Like the rest of us, you will die. I would consider it a personal favor if you would not obligate me and any children I might have in the future to work off an additional 1.2 trillion dollars of national debt (or whatever the final number turns out to be) after you are dead.

In Washington, D.C. I know its easy to forget that you are not just playing with rhetoric. You aren’t spending monopoly money. You are spending MY money.

And, by every account I’m reading, your Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House have really forgotten what representative government means. I hope you haven’t forgotten too.

Even if spending a lot of taxpayer dollars would magically fix the economy (a historically unlikely prospect), these dollars are not of the sort that are going to stimulate anything.

I am among the majority of your constituents who think that a vote in favor of this boondoggle is an evidence of sheer partisanship and an insult to those you are supposed to represent. I will recall your vote on H.R.1.

Yours Sincerely

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