Forbes tries again with “New Manhattan” project

Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA04) has once again submitted legislation that will achieve 50% energy independence in ten years and 100% energy independence in 20 years through cash incentives to scientists and researchers who achieve one of seven goals.

Forbes “New Manhattan Project” hopes that competition for cash prizes will bring forward solutions to the following issues:

  • Double CAFE standards to 70 MPG while keeping vehicles affordable
  • Cut home and business energy usage in half
  • Make solar power work at the same cost as coal
  • Make the production of biofuels cost-competitive with gasoline
  • Safely and cheaply store carbon emissions from coal-powered plants
  • Safely store or neutralize nuclear waste
  • Produce usable electricity from a nuclear fusion reaction

“Solving our nation’s energy crisis is a critical step to creating lasting economic security for our nation and its families,” said Forbes. “The New Manhattan Project creates a bold initiative to move us in this direction of energy independence.”

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