McDonnell resigns

Update: McDonnell will appear on WVTF’s “Evening Edition” at 7:30 p.m. The program can be heard live on-line and anyone can call in. We also just learned that he will be “live blogging” on his web-site at 3 p.m.


The Republican candidate for Governor, as recent Attorneys General have done, has resigned his office to campaign statewide for Governor.

Democrat Creigh Deeds remains in the Virginia Senate, but is also vying for the job. Brian Moran gave up his seat, and Terry McAuliffe gave up wanting to be Governor of Florida.

McDonnell’s replacement will be chosen by the General Assembly, not the Democratic National Chairman Tim Kaine, due to the timing of the resignation, said to be effective February 20th.

McDonnell’s video address is after the break.

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