Defense Attorney Coggeshall running for Norfolk Commonwealth’s Attorney

John Coggeshall is trying to do what no Republican has been able to do in the city of Norfolk lately – win a race. Currently in Norfolk, there is no GOP representation at any level, which can’t be good for diversity of opinion and political competition.

Coggeshall is running for Norfolk’s top prosecutor position after Jack Doyle recently was appointed to the circuit court.

The special election, which is sure to have low turnout, will be held on March 10.

Coggeshall, a defense attorney for the past fourteen years, receives a preponderance of clients from court appointments, which should more than adequately prepare him to be commonwealth’s attorney.

In addition to his experience, Coggeshall is promising to expand the amount of time attorneys from the CA office spend at civic league meetings and misdemeanor trials in General District court.

This election could be key for Republicans seeking to gain momentum in 2009. Winning an office in the bluest of blue cities in Hampton Roads would certainly fit the bill.

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