Weekly Standard: Virginia is “ground zero” for the GOP

In this week’s Weekly Standard, Jennifer Rubin writes a great article about the importance of Virginia for the future of the Republican Party and discusses the candidacy of Attorney General Bob McDonnell for governor.

If Republicans have been losing in Virginia’s suburbs and exurbs, McDonnell is committed to campaigning in them and selling conservatism there. If Republicans were tagged as too ideological, he is emphatic: “We win by addressing quality of life issues.” If Republicans did poorly with minorities, he says it is now “absolutely imperative to talk to members of new ethnic communities” and explain how Republican policies relate to their concerns.

The article paints an accurate picture that Republicans are united behind Attorney General McDonnell, and are more optimistic about their chances than ever. However, it is also realistic about the hard work that will have to go into this campaign, and that Democrats are out to prove 2008 was not a fluke.

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