Cantor quotes get fact-checked

Despite a fantastic strategy being executed by congressional Republicans (stating that the President is being genuine about crafting a bi-partisan solution to the economic stimulus package, but congressional Democrats keep blocking any GOP input) – Virginia’s own Rep. Eric Cantor, the House Minority Whip and an architect of this strategy, has kinda stepped in it. has called out Cantor three times. They’ve deemed two of his statements false, and put another one in the not-so-coveted “Pants on Fire” category (as in, “Liar, Liar, pants on fire.”)

According to Politifact, Cantor’s statements…

“For every dollar (in the stimulus package) that is spent to help small businesses, $4 is being spent to help upkeep the grass on the lawns of Washington.”


that a Congressional Budget Office report on spending by House Democrats in the economic stimulus concluded it “is just not stimulus. It won’t help the economy grow.”

…are false.

He gets “pants on fire” for stating that the stimulus bill includes:

“$300,000 for a sculpture garden in Miami.”

Of course, the outlet didn’t bother to check out hundreds of other Cantor quotes, such as this one:

“If we’re going to deliver on trying to revive this economy, a stimulus bill has got to be focused like a laser on the preservation, protection and creation of jobs.”

Apparently the CBO is stating that the stimulus bill as written will only create 800,000 to 2.1 million jobs – not the 3-4 million promised by the administration.

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