Environmental blog “Article XI” rolled out

Article XI, a Virginia-centric blog dedicated to the discussion of environmental issues has been launched. Adding further fuel to the fire that I am a closet liberal, I am a contributor…along with other bloggers Lowell Feld and Miles Grant, and environmental groups including the Sierra Club (Eileen Levandoski) and four others.

In my initial post, I sum up the choice conservatives have to make when looking at the balance between unfettered and unregulated commerce v. the environment by quoting Barry Goldwater:

“While I am a great believer in the free enterprise system and all that it entails, I am an even stronger believer in the right of our people to live in a clean, pollution-free environment.”

Republicans are often not given the credit they deserve for being good stewards of our environment (Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, to name a few)…and they certainly won’t get any credit if we do not engage in the conversation.

Whether you are a supporter of the 2nd amendment and a hunter, a person of faith who believes this earth is a gift from God, or an entrepreneur seeking opportunities with green jobs…or many other reasons…talking about, seeking an understanding of, and advocating for worthy environmental issues is not something to shun.

Therefore, I hope you’ll consider visiting Article XI periodically and not view it through a partisan lens.

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