Is Obama 2.0 bad news for Perriello and Nye?

Earlier this January, “The Hill” reported that Tom Perriello and Glenn Nye were numbers 3 and 4 on their list of vulnerable congressmen in 2010. They weren’t even done unpacking their offices!

Today, Republican Chuck Smith sent an email out to supporters declaring his intention to run for Nye’s seat, and, potentially, Virgil Goode is thinking about a comeback.

Then, we find out from the LA Times that the Obama administration is planning on using its vast collection of emails and social networking capacity made famous this past election to take the bully pulpit to a whole new level.

Apparently, in addition to putting pressure on Republicans, this network is going to be used to pressure Democrats to toe-the-line on Obama’s agenda.

People familiar with the plan say Obama’s team would use the network in part to pressure lawmakers — particularly wavering Democrats — to help him pass complex legislation on the economy, healthcare and energy.

The plan could prompt tensions with members of Congress, who are unlikely to welcome the idea of Obama’s political network targeting them from within their own districts.

As Perriello and Nye are Democrats in a conservative district – and potentially could waiver on supporting the president on some of these issues, they are certainly going to feel the pressure – as there are still plenty of Obama supporters in their districts who will receive these communiques from the administration.

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