Aliens of the Illegal Kind

In Philadelphia’s New Year’s Day Mummers Parade, audiences and local tv viewers got a taste of politics in a live skit called “Aliens of the Illegal Kind”.

“‘Uh-oh, here comes the Border Patrol!’ … Texas-sized cowboy hats and brandishing wooden rifles pretended to hold back a rioting crowd of ‘immigrants’ from storming the border “fences.” As the immigrants burst forth, they traded in their country’s flag for an American flag, and a Mummer dressed as President-elect Barack Obama handed out Green Cards.” (Philadelphia Inquirer)

The parade skit, performed by B. Love Strutters, also featured the head of Geno’s Steaks, whose store gained nationwide attention for his “When Ordering, Speak English” sign.

The skit featured Vento popping out of the top of a float labeled “Gewizno’s Steaks” with a “When ordering, speak English” sign. Vento waved a poster reading, “What?” and tossed fake cheesesteaks into the crowd. (Philadelphia Inquirer)

On live TV, the announcer tried to swing the political message to the mushy left by saying “This looks like a celebration of diversity.”

Vento said, “Diversity? It’s a celebration to get a message across that we love immigrants here, we just want you here legally and we want you to speak English.”

Sometimes I love the passion of my immigrant-rich and proudly American birthplace of Philadelphia.

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