Ever wonder what a labor contract looks like?

Courtesy of LaborPains.org, the displayed 22-lb., 2215-page monster is courtesy of the UAW and Ford Motor Company.

Do we really have to wonder why our auto industry is failing in the U.S. and they are opening plants in Brazil?

My more conservative (if you can believe it) significant other offered up these thoughts regarding the events in the Senate:

I’m happy that some of our Senators are actually doing their job by rejecting this proposal. What really did it for me is that many senators demanded that the UAW lower its wage standards. They, of course, refused. I shed no tears for an organization that is overpaid and thinks too much of themselves even when asking for a handout.

She’s spot on. You would think labor would want to save the company to save jobs. Looks like they’re content throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

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