Two Out Of Four Candidates For Governor Agree…

On raising taxes:

Terry McAuliffe, a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee who is eying a gubernatorial bid, disagreed. “You don’t raise taxes in a down economy,” he said.

McDonnell also rejected taxes, saying lawmakers should cut spending. “The worst thing you can do during a recession is try to tax yourself to prosperity,” he said.

Emphasis added.  How did Deeds and Moran feel?

“Everything should be on the table,” said Del. Brian Moran, D-Alexandria. His position was echoed by state Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath.

At a time when Virginia is facing tough economic times two candidates for governor feel that sacrifices need to be made among Virginia’s working families instead of it’s bloated government that has grown exponentially over the last eight years.

Maybe McAuliffe is the moderate Democrat in this race.

WaPo has a write-up as well.

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