Will Frederick run for re-election?

Waldo Jaquith’s recently posted that he would bet $100 that Chairman Jeff Frederick of the RPV would renege on his campaign promise not to seek re-election to the House of Delegates in Virginia’s 52nd District.

Interestingly, Frederick’s wife, Amy (or someone purporting to be Amy), bet in favor of her husband, stating that she’d donate her winnings from Waldo to charity when she won. Waldo would not accept the bet.

If this was Amy Frederick, then it’s a good first step towards the chairman fulfilling some of the promises he made and re-building the party.

We asked Frederick last May whether he would commit to serving as Chairman for the full term. His response was clear:

“My commitment to being Chairman is so strong that I announced I would not seek re-election to the House of Delegates if I am elected Chairman, so that I can have a dedicated focus on doing whatever it takes to turn things around at RPV.

“I am the only candidate in this race that can bring the long-term stability to RPV – not necessarily the stability of one long-term figurehead, but stability in vision, strategy, infrastructure, and a solid plan to start winning again.”

However, Frederick equivocated not a month later to the WaPo’s Anita Kumar:

“A lot of guys around here are trying to convince me,” Frederick said during a House recess. “I really don’t want to (run)…But if there’s this huge call and everyone in the world wants me to run for re-election, I guess there is some chance. If the whole world says we’re going to relieve you of your pledge.”

What RPV needs now more than ever is credibility. Unequivocally fulfilling a basic promise to party faithful would go a long way.

Bob McDonnell, when he was running for re-election to the House of Delegates, had a slogan, “Promises made, promises kept.”

If there is one thing about Bob McDonnell, it’s that when he says something, he’s going to do it.

In his campaign for attorney general, he promised to be tougher on gang violence and internet predators, and he has fulfilled his promise.

One of McDonnell’s best attributes is his credibility; therefore, the last thing the party needs is a chairman who is seen as less than credible, while McDonnell is running for governor.

When you add Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling to the mix, who honorably deferred his own ambitions for McDonnell, you have one of the most honorable political teams united in recent memory. The last thing we need right now is a kerkuffle at state central.

I do not advocate Chairman Frederick stepping down as party head; I was intrigued by his 100-day plan (how much of that was implemented, by the way?) and I think the RPV has had too many chairmen in the last four years.

But what I do want is a Republican Party that will do what it promises and stands strong on credibility.

Every day on this web site, some of our contributors still believe that the GOP is the party of fiscal accountability, government restraint, and personal responsibility, yet they are blasted and mocked by commenters who once believed that too and now feel betrayed by past GOP action or inaction.

The chairman must see this credibility gap and act on it.

A good first step is unequivocally stating he’s not seeking re-election. If he doesn’t, the outcome is simple: four more years of a Democrat in the mansion and continued GOP defeats in the General Assembly.

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