Foster For AG Turns To Gilmore Staffers

Dave Foster has made his run for Attorney General official and Norm Leahy finds this little gem in the Times Dispatch article:

Foster’s chief strategist is M. Boyd Marcus Jr., a veteran operative who this year was lead adviser to defeated U.S. Senate nominee Jim Gilmore, a former governor.

Rumors abound as to what this choice means and what is driving Foster’s candidacy.  But the hiring does bring the following obersavation from Norm:

The connections do show one thing clearly — the Virginia GOP’s political culture remains fairly incestuous. One would think, considering the party’s recent troubles, someone would take pains to expand the consultant gene pool on the possibility that a couple of new ideas might find their way into campaigns. Not that Democrats don’t have the same problem. They do. “Moving Virginia forward” has moved from rallying cry to cliche. And a rather limp one at that.

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