Virginia Republicans Have Two Of Their Statewide Nominees


VIRGINIA. Attorney General Bob McDonnell became the 2009 GOP nominee for Governor on Friday. That was the state party’s deadline to file paperwork to seek the nomination at next year’s convention. Nobody filed to oppose McDonnell. Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling (R) is unopposed for renomination. Three Republicans filed for McDonnell’s open AG spot. The Dem deadline to run is not until next year. Incumbent Governor Tim Kaine (D) is term-limited. Former Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe, State Senator Creigh Deeds and State House Democratic Caucus Chair Brian Moran are all actively seeking the Dem gubernatorial nomination.

Patrick Muldoon was looking to run for Lieutenant Governor and had filed with the SBE accordingly but it appears he didn’t make the cut with RPV.  Also registered last month was Muldoon PAC, though what this entails in anyone’s guess.

Virginia Republicans will choose between John Brownlee, Ken Cuccinelli and Dave Foster for Attorney General at next May’s convention.

1:09pm UPDATE: Or not.  Patrick Muldoon’s website is up and running and is taking petitions by November 28th so they can turn them in to RPV by December 1st.  Of note, the only sections currently working on Muldoon’s website is Biography, Petition and Contact.  Issues and Press Releases aren’t up yet.

2:50pm UPDATE: From RPV – Muldoon has filed to run and now must turn in petitions. The path is not 100% clear for Bill Bolling.

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