Drake concedes

Rep. Thelma Drake has conceded and offers her congratulations to Glenn Nye in this statement:

“First, let me extend my congratulations to Congressman-elect Nye.

I felt strongly that all ballots needed to be counted. Some voters waited in line for hours to vote early and many of the brave men and women serving our country sent absentee ballots from places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Their voices deserved to be heard. Those ballots have been counted and the voters have decided.

I would like to thank the people of the 2nd District for allowing me to serve them for the past four years. It has been a great honor. I am one of only 246 women to have served in the US House of Representatives. I hope my service will encourage other women to get involved in the political process and run for office.

I would like to thank all of my supporters. They have worked tirelessly to help me. Their encouragement, advice and most importantly friendship is something that I will always treasure.

I have spoken to Mr. Nye and expressed my commitment to work with his office to make sure there is a smooth transition and that the people of the 2nd District are served in the best possible way.”

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