Virginia GOP: Rebuild Or Stop The Bleeding?

Thinking of the GOP on the state level we have two immediate options on the table (and a bunch more within those, but those are shades). We are faced with whether the state GOP needs to rebuild or merely stop the bleeding for now. Nationally they can look at two to four year plans and the tin cup pundits and specialists are going to focus on that but we have an election next year that will hugely impact where Virginia goes for the next ten years thanks to redistricting.

Rebuilding in the long term is a must do option.  The party as it stands now within Virginia as well as the nation is not one that will beat the path to victory in the future.  But can it hold the fort so there is a chance of fighting back?

People may say that fighting for a House of Delegates majority next year is all well and good but what kind of majority are we talking about?  Certainly a majority that is raising our taxes is not a majority any of us want to see, but if it’s a Republican majority that can then help craft districts that still give Republicans a chance and a seat at the table then the party has a chance to rebuild and reassert its values later, in a position to also maintain a majority when doing so.  If it’s a Democratic majority that starts crafting Democratic districts to lock us out, we may be facing a Blue Virginia from a state to national level for at least the next ten years.

If we focus on rebuilding now, focus on shedding our own squishes while finding solid candidates to field in blue districts, can we successfully hold the House of Delegates in 2009 or are we setting ourselves up for an even bigger loss?

While the party needs to definitely figure itself out and perhaps needs a change throughout, should our immediate focus be more on doing what we can to make it not nearly as bad as it will be?

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