March of the Obamicans

GOP endorsements for the Obama-Biden ticket keep coming in, and I expect will continue to do so down to the wire. Earlier this week we had former Senator Larry Pressler (R-SD) who was “the first Vietnam veteran to serve in the United States Senate”. The next day, former Senator Charles “Mac” Mathias, Jr. (R-MD) added his voice to the chorus. And then yesterday, the story broke that Ken Duberstein, who served multiple positions in Reagan’s administration including White House Chief of Staff in 88-89, taped an interview with Fareed Zakaria (set to air tomorrow) in which he announced his intention to vote for Barack Obama.

Note to other closet Obamicans: You’re running out of time. If you don’t come out of the closet soon, people may be left with the mistaken impression that you actually supported McCain-Palin. And you wouldn’t want that, would you?

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