Roundup For 10/29/2008 Obama and McCain side by side on 20 issues

Gallup Traditional poll: Obama 49 – McCain 47

D.C. Examiner: Jim Gilmore For Senate

How low can they go… Biden lowers tax cut claim to $150,000.  Though this sounds more like either a misstatement or merely an example than a threshold.

CSN: Monitor shifts from print to Web-based strategyThe Christian Science Monitor plans major changes in April 2009 that are expected to make it the first newspaper with a national audience to shift from a daily print format to an online publication that is updated continuously each day.

Cook Report shifts VA-02 to Toss Up, VA-05 to Lean Republican

Washington delivers the numbers behind proposed legislation and regulation. It is important to understand where these numbers come from and what they mean.

Sorry they’re brief so far.  More links to come later this morning.

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