On Khalidi

LA Times is refusing to release the video tape of Barack Obama attending a function honoring University of Chicago professor Rashid Khalidi.  Sarah Palin is going after the connection hard.  But I wanted to know more about this Prof. Khalidi.

So I checked out his profile on RateMyProfessor.com:

Khalidi is articulate. However, he puts his political affiliations ahead of his professional obligations. He derided undergraduates at a public U of C panel because of their pro-Israel views. Indeed, he approaches the Conflict as an activist rather than as a scholar, and thus fails students.

Genius, it was an honor to be in his class. He says what needs to be heard and really knows what he is talking about.And those who dislike him, couldn’t handle his intelligence and are close minded, like campus watch…Believe me you won’t regret it.

an extremist. Campus Watch is right to make an issue of his attempts to indoctrinate. But it does not know about his deceit and arrogance. Glad he’s gone from Chicago. Poor Columbia.

One of the best profs I’ve had; you learn quickly that under the big-shot exterior there’s a big softie who really loves his students

has a political agenda … a historian who is careless with his facts. claims without any evidence that Israel has used weapons of mass destruction against palestinians. good riddance.


Smart, but scary. He will destroy you like an academic ninja.

He also has a hotness rating of 0.

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