Senator Gilmore v. Governor Warner

Throughout this year’s Virginia Senate race, it seems that much of the focus has been on two major dynamics: Mark Warner’s commanding lead in the polls and the unique match-up between two former Governors.  Unfortunately, I feel that these narratives have obscured a much more important theme that should be addressed in this campaign.  That is, who is best qualified to be one of Virginia’s two representatives in the United States Senate.

If one thinks of an election as a job interview, I doubt many would argue that part of any interview is reviewing each candidate’s resume and looking at their past accomplishments. However, the much more important part of the interview is that part that entails explaining why you are a good fit for the position you are seeking.  It is clear to me that, throughout this Senate campaign, Jim Gilmore has been interviewing with Virginians for the job he hopes to have.  Mark Warner, on the other hand, has almost exclusively focused on his Gubernatorial resume.  As the ones making the hiring decision, Virginia voters ought to be concerned by that.

To put it simply, Mark Warner does not want Virginians to think about what the job of a Senator enatils.  He doesn’t want Virginians to think about the fact that he won’t have any say in what bills come to the floor for a vote.  He doesn’t want Virginians to think about the fact that he’ll be just one vote in a Democratic Caucus controlled by Harry Reid.  He doesn’t want Virginians to think about the fact that his committee assignments and appropriations requests will DEPEND on his loyalty to the Liberal Democratic leadership in the Senate on any legislation that matters.  He doesn’t want Virginians to think about the fact that he has ZERO experience dealing in matters of foreign policy and national security that comprise a large portion of the Senate’s business.  And he CERTAINLY doesn’t want Virginians to think about the advise and consent role of a United States Senator when it comes to appointments to the Federal Judiciary.

All of the above is why Mark Warner has worked hard in this campaign to make sure that voters still look at him as “Governor” Warner and vote for him on that basis alone.

On the other hand, Jim Gilmore is supremely qualified for the role of United States Senator and I believe he would flourish in that role.  First and foremost, Gilmore has been a passionate defender of the Commonwealth for many years and no one can question his commitment to the citizens of this State.  He has always told the voters exactly what he would do and followed through on those promises.  That dogged persistence combined with his legal training would serve him well in the procedurally obstinate Senate.  Gilmore also has an extensive legal background as a prosecutor and as Attorney General that gives him the insight to make sound decisions on legal, not political, qualifications for the many judicial appointments he would encounter in the Upper Chamber.  Further, Gilmore’s military training and participation in a wide range of national security initiatives give him superior understanding of domestic and international issues that often take center stage in the U.S. Senate.  Most importantly, however, Gilmore will be a much better representative of the views of a majority of Virginians when it comes to a wide range of legislation on issues such as protecting the 2nd Amendment, supporting offshore drilling and a workable energy independence strategy, holding the line against higher taxes and a vast expansion of Federal bureaucracy, and defending Virginia’s right to work laws.

The fact is that, as a member of the Democratic caucus, Mark Warner will often be voting against the interests and desires of a majority of his constituents on these and many other issues.  This is why Governor Warner would rather everyone just ignored which office he is actually running for.

In the race for the United States Senate, only one candidate has made the case to the people of Virginia about why he should be elected to that office.  Only one candidate has been up front and honest with the people of Virginia about exactly what he would do in that office and what his priorities would be.  Finally, only one candidate has the credentials and the qualifications that are so uniquely suited for the office he seeks.

That candidate is Jim Gilmore, and he deserves your vote on November 4th.

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