Obama’s Network Roadblock

Looks like Obama’s primetime network roadblock tomorrow night won’t be complete (ABC will still air its normal programming), but that still leaves NBC, CBS, and Fox airing his 30 minute ad/speech at 8 PM.

ABC Jumps Too Late On Obama’s ‘Buy’

I understand the idea, but I think this is a big mistake. I have this vision of someone changing channels to get away from politics and they keep getting his address. It’s a worn out sitcom joke becoming reality.

Another one of his targeted, time-relevant two minute spots would have been a much better choice, IMHO. Long enough to break the mold, make the viewer take notice and present his argument, but not hit the attention span wall. This will likely just annoy independents and give his critics a fresh load of ammo to paint this in the worst possible light. I just don’t see the upside.

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