Roundup For 10/23/08

Sarah Palin is coming back to Virginia early next week.

Reagan’s GOP: McCain Leads Obama 60% to 29% – The media now loves to talk about John McCain.  Too bad it’s mainly negative.  Read a PDF of the report here.

IPDI: Debunking BradleyThere are many folks out there who are loosely throwing buzz words into the public sphere and daily conversation just because it sounds good or “intelligent” to do that.

Vivian Paige: Why Steal Signs?What I wonder, though, is why waste the effort to steal a sign?

Power Line: Rock The Vote[I]f this IBD/TIPP poll is correct, Republicans had better hope the kids turn out in droves…

Tertium Quids: The GOP “Death List”Via Washington Whispers comes an internal GOP count of House seats the party could lose in the election. The numbers aren’t pretty…

Below The Beltway: The Battle Against The Fairness Doctrine BeginsRemember that fight against a revival of the Fairness Doctrine that Stephen Green talked about last week? Looks like it’s time to at least make sure the powder is dry…

X Curmudgeon: Redneck McCain Supporters Heckle Obama Early Voters In NCSince when do protesters show up at election sites and heckle people?

WaPo: Obama’s $175,000 Donor?

The Corner: Sarah Palin The Socalist?

David Sedaris in New Yorker: Undecided?I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention?

Commonwealth Commonsense: Don’t Believe The PollsIf you’re an Obama supporter, worry…and work.  This race is still tight.

Mason Conservative: McCain Making A Late ChargeI’m intrigued by these numbers.

Marc Ambinder: The AP/GFK Poll: Evangelical Surge?44% of the likely voter sample in the AP/GFK-Roper poll — Matt Drudge’s “shocker” of the day, which has Obama up by one —  are self-identified evangelicals. That’s about double the weighted average that pollsters generally assume.

WaPo: Al-Qaeda supports U.S. recession and John McCainWeekly Standard: But Hammas and Iran support Obama

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