McCain Palin Visit Roundup

Here’s a roundup of photos, etc. from Monday’s McCain/Palin visit to Virginia. First, something new – a photo of Obama protesters from the Richmond event. There were three of them.

From the McCain/Palin event in Va. Beach:

From the Richmond event, Conservativa photos here and here. Photos and report from the Write Side of My Brain, here and from Virginia Virtucon here, and from Rick Sincere here.

And let me take up for Hank Williams, Jr…. yes, in Richmond, he was a little pitchy. But I was surprised to hear that he does in fact have a good voice – you never can tell from recordings. And, I would much rather listen to someone with a good voice sing the anthem with enthusiasm, as opposed to listening to someone who croons it breathily (and usually way too slowly), and/or adds too many ornaments and extra notes. I believe the tune was originally a drinking song, and I think it’s better to sing it in a straightforward way. (Best, of course, on pitch throughout).

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