McCain: Ayers Matters! America: Meh.

McCain and his campaign have gone on overdrive in the last couple days, pulling out all the stops on a scorched earth campaign, and doing their best to convince the public that Obama is some sort of terrorist by association. Fortunately the public doesn’t seem to be buying it. From an Oct 8th poll (Fox News no less):

43. There has been some discussion of Barack Obama’s relationship with the
former radical activist William Ayers. Because Ayers is linked to plots to bomb
the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol in the 1970s, and because Ayres recently said
he wished he had done more, some people say Obama’s association with Ayers calls
into question his judgment. Does Obama’s connection with Ayers make you less
likely to vote for him for president or does it not really make a difference to
your vote?

            Less likely  No difference  (More likely)  (Don't know)
8-9 Oct 08      32%         61             2             5
Democrats        8%         83             2             7
Republicans     62%         33             2             3
Independents    29%         64             3             4
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