Bill Day On The Bailout

Jim Riley at Virginia Virtucon writes that Bill Day, Democratic candidate for the 1st District, has taken all sides possible on the bailout:

Daily Press – 9/24/08:

“I’m totally against it. I haven’t met anybody yet who’s for it. I’ve talked to hundreds of people. They’re all saying, ‘Why are we bailing out a company that couldn’t make it? Why do we have to bail out a company that made a huge mistake?’ That’s 100 percent of the people that I talk to. It’s another huge burden on the taxpayers.”

Daily Press – 9/30/08:

Democrat Bill Day, who is running against Wittman, offered a more nuanced view.

“I’m not in favor of bailing anything out,” he said. “If we’re talking about buying assets and protecting taxpayers, that’s something I would consider. The first step is we need to appraise the assets … before we just go out and write a check.”

Free Lance Star – 10/3/08:

Day said. “We need to approve this thing on its own merit. Not with the sweeteners.”

Virginia Gazette – 10/4/08:

Day said Thursday he probably would have voted for the original bill. “At that point, It wasn’t a bailout. It was a working out.” He said.

Free Lance Star – 10/8/08:

Bill Day, the Fauquier County Democrat running against Wittman, put out a press release yesterday attacking Wittman for his “no” vote on the bill.

Day did say last week that he was beginning to hear from district residents as he campaigned that, “We need to move on this.”

D.J. McGuire points this out as well, finding that Day had four different positions within two weeks.  Rep. Rob Wittman voted against the bailout both times.

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