Gilmore and Warner to participate in only TV debate at 7 p.m.

Jim Gilmore and Mark Warner will be having their one and only statewide televised debate tonight. The Gilmore campaign is viewing this as an important point in the campaign:

“This is the opportunity we’ve been waiting for the entire campaign: a chance to face Mark Warner toe to toe on a level playing field in front of the entire Commonwealth,” wrote Matt Wells, Gilmore’s political director in an email to supporters, imploring them to watch the debate and tell others.

FYI, the following stations will carry it live:

WHSV Ch. 3 – Harrisonburg (ABC)
WVBT Ch. 43 – Norfolk (FOX)
WBRA – Roanoke (PBS)
WJHL Ch. 11 – Johnson City TN (CBS)
WWBT Ch. 12 – Richmond (NBC)
WHRO Ch. 15– Norfolk (PBS)
WVIR Ch. 29 – Charlottesville (NBC)
CSPAN – Washington, DC
WSLS Ch. 10 – Roanoke (NBC) will stream it live and will stream it live.

The following stations will air at a later time:
WRC (NBC) – Washington, DC will carry it tape-delayed at 7am Sunday.
Newschannel 8 will stream it live on and air it at 11pm Friday night.

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