Why tonight’s debate is for entertainment purposes only

Consider this an open-thread to tonight’s debate.

Regardless, there is only one reason we’re all watching tonight, right? It’s for the train wreck.

We’re either hopeful Joe Biden pulls a “Joe Biden” that even Joe Biden would be proud of. In other words — we’re looking for the gaffe of the century.

Or, we’re wondering whether Sarah Palin’s mastery of Stare Decisis equates to other policy measures.

Or, we’re contemplating if Gwen Ifill, in the middle of the debate, responds to a Biden rebuttal with an emphatic “Yes we can!”

Somehow, despite my fingers being crossed, I suspect we will see none of the above.

Ergo, tonight won’t matter. As it hasn’t for any vice presidential debate in more than forty years.

Which leads to the question: Does the vice presidency even matter?

Of course it does, but over at Doug’s, he’s got an interesting post about it.

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