Palin endorses Cuccinelli?

Actually, according to her name tag, she was “Sarah Palin Wannabe” but Michelle Staton had the hairdo and glasses down and she was certainly thrilled with Ken Cuccinelli’s candidacy and Sarah Palin’s!

At least 130 Virginians gathered Monday evening in former Delegate Dick Black’s home to support Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General.

Cuccinelli gave a rousing speech to the standing room only crowd. He noted his record of accomplishment on conservative issues. He talked about how he never backed down from advocating for our 2nd Amendment right – even when the issue polled four to one opposed in his district. He told war stories of his successful fight to pass strong property rights protections for Virginians — over the opposition of the Dick “property rights don’t belong in the Constitution” Saslaw.

The next Attorney General, Cuccinelli said, will likely be faced with the task of defending Virginia’s Marriage Amendment. He said that in 2006 he spent the late summer and fall going all over Northern Virginia to speak in churches on behalf of the amendment – often churches that agree with Republicans in principle more than politics. Cuccinelli noted that he and Bob Marshall were the only members of the General Assembly who he knows actively campaigned for the Marriage Amendment. Meanwhile the likely Democrat candidate for Attorney General, Steve Shannon, voted for the Amendment in the House (CORRECTION) and then campaigned against it in the fall. Cuccinelli promised he would defend Virginia’s Marriage Amendment vigourously, if elected, and voters had his record of accomplishment to take to the bank.

Cuccinelli also remarked that much work was ahead for his supporters because he was once again “not the establishment” candidate — generating roars of approval from the crowd. He also observed that when he and his opponents all had the same decision to make in the Warner / Miller Republican primary, he worked for Jim Miller and both of his opponents endorsed John Warner. So, Cuccinelli observed, you have a choice between two ‘John Warner Republicans’ and a proven conservative in this race for Attorney General. For attendees, that seemed to be an easy decision.

As the evening drew to a close, Delegate Black invited any other campaigns present to address the crowd. McCain & Gilmore had representatives present and Keith Fimian spoke for himself. When Frank Wolf had no representative present, Cuccinelli classily stood up and spoke again on behalf of his own Congressman, asking volunteers to help him. Cuccinelli said Judy Feder’s ads (this one thanking leftwing netroot organization “Act Blue”) were all the endorsement Wolf needs — I happen to agree.

Joe at Novatownhall has pics!

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