Virginia Is For McCain?

Via Real Clear Politics, over the last week seven polls have come with three putting John McCain ahead in Virginia by anywhere from 2 to 9 points while only two put Obama ahead by 2 or 4 points respectively.  The CNU Virginia Poll putting McCain ahead by 9 points has been heavily criticized for underpolling African American’s and 18-29 year olds and the one tie has been hit for polling on a Sunday when a lot of would be McCain supporters aren’t home, which also calls into question the CNU poll but also the two that are favorable to Obama.

So what does all of this mean?

Starters, if polls are to be believed, Virginia’s trending back to red and for John McCain.

Seconds, it’s all still very close with McCain growing but not establishing an insurmountable lead quite yet.

Third, the only poll that counts is the one taken in the voting booth November 4th.

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