Terry McAuliffe To Campaign In Virginia

Perhaps in an effort to patch things up with Barack Obama and his supporter and to start getting his name out to Virginians who have no clue who he is or, if they do, don’t think very highly of him, Terry McAuliffe is going to appear at two dozen or more events throughout the Commonwealth:

McAuliffe’s first Virginia event is set for September 24th at a high school in Chesterfield County, where he’ll speak on Obama’s behalf, Tracy Sefl, a top aide to McAuliffe, confirms. McAuliffe will be a counterweight to former Virginia Senator George Allen, who will speak at the school on John McCain’s behalf a week earlier.

Obama advisers say that McAuliffe will be pressed into service to advocate in particular for Obama’s health care plan. “Terry clearly has facility with the issue,” says Kevin Griffis, Obama’s Virginia press rep, adding that the Obama camp is hoping for multiple events from McAuliffe. “People know him from his work with the Clintons, and he’s a passionate supporter. We feel like he’s someone who can talk to people from all walks of life.”

Not a bad way to start a campaign for Governor.

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