Thelma Drake and Glenn Nye debate, sort of

Not that Glenn Nye was big on details, but he did show up. Questions concerned Iraq, taxes, health care and the like.

Actually, it was pretty pathetic. Nye’s answers were the most vapid, vague nonsense I’ve heard from a candidate. Nye was so bad, I went up afterwards and told him “I’d like to ask you a few questions on the record before you leave,” and he answered “We’ll see” – which obviously meant “see ya” as he went on his merry way and left.

Nye’s positions:
Iraq – we need a new strategy (he just didn’t say what, although he seemed impressed that Iraqis figured out their own trash collection. 2-ply Glenn Nye!)
Health Care – cover more people (no idea how to pay for it)
Immigration – work on finding a solution (whatever it happens to be)
Taxes – take a look at the tax code (uhm, Mr. Nye, you can tax a look anytime. What are you going to do?)
Budget – cut the budget without naming what he’d cut (he did, however, name specific programs he wanted to increase in this budget that he said was too large)

I’ve seen School Board candidates better prepared for a debate than this guy.

Thelma Drake was a juggernaut, talking about her record, actually answering questions, and giving specific details about what she’s done and what she’s for and against. Sometimes, Nye agreed with her, and those were the times he gave the most specific answers.

One of two things is true. Either Glenn Nye is woefully unequipped to represent the 2nd District in Congress, or his answers were purposefully vague because they are so far from the mainstream of the district. Which is it?

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