At some point, we have to thank President Bush

For all the rhetoric and verbal hand grenades that have been lobbed at President Bush over his “bungled” management of the war on terror, our nation is going to have to recognize that it’s been Bush’s policies over seven years that has kept another terror attack from occurring in the U.S.

The Washington Post writes:

At this time in 2002 and 2004, about a quarter of all Americans polled by Gallup called terrorism or national security the country’s top problem. That dropped to 16 percent in 2006, and now 4 percent of those polled deem those issues the most important the nation must confront.

If there is any evidence that’s more clear of the success of Bush’s policies, it’s a statistic that says that attention-deficit, instant-gratification Americans have moved beyond thinking terrorism is a problem.

In today’s column by Ann Coulter, “Bush 7, Terrorists 0“, and she relates this quote from Frank Rich of the NY Times in 2002 that’s all too telling:

“Since major al-Qaida attacks are planned well in advance and have historically been separated by intervals of 12 to 24 months, we will find out how much we’ve been distracted soon enough.” (“Never Forget What?” New York Times, Sept. 14, 2002.)

Of course, that would have meant we should have expected terror attacks at the latest in 2003, as Bush distracted us with a war in Iraq…right?

Unfortunately, it’s an election year and any hint of commending the president and his team for a job well done is out of the question. Instead, liberals will move onto more swinish pursuits.

It’s been seven years since America was attacked, and while we haven’t been at peace, our nation has remained safe because of the decisions of her commander-in-chief. For that, at least for a moment, we should snap out of our cult-of-personality-induced coma and say, “Thank you.”

Also read Daniel Henninger’s column in the Wall Street Journal on the true nature of Democratic opposition to the war on terror and how little we really know about Sen. Barack Obama’s positions.

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