Congress is baaack…

Nancy Pelosi’s book tour was a flop. Let’s see if her energy proposals are any better.

Already there is talk of a government shutdown if the Nancy Pelosi decides to tie the expected continuing budget resolution (funding for government at current levels) to a renewal of the outer continental shelf drilling moratorium. Republicans have made it clear that they can sustain a Presidential veto of such a measure if that is what she insists on sending to the White House.

For five weeks, Republican House members have protested the “drill nothing” Congress’s vacation with speeches on a darkened House floor. Responding to increasing political pressure, Pelosi has promised an energy vote, but she won’t give any specifics.

The so-called ‘gang of sixteen’ in the Senate has made an energy proposal — but if ever there were and apt example of symbolism over substance, this would be it. What it lacks in imagination and initiative, it makes up in high taxes. On the one hand, it opens up a some currently prohibited areas to drilling (a good thing) but on the other, it raises taxes on production — making it more expensive than ever to get oil out of the ground and into your vehicle. Who do you think will be paying new taxes on oil production? That’s right — it’ll be us ordinary little commuters.

So, we’ll watch Congress this month and we’ll watch carefully. Will they get the message and let us use our American resources to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and cut prices at the pump? I hope so. In the meantime, write or call your member of Congress and Senator. Tell them how high gas prices are affecting you. Oh, and vote for Jim Gilmore – he knows that domestic drilling is an important part of comprehensive, forward-thinking energy policy.

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