Democrats lining-up for Wagner

Former Virginia Secretary of Finance Jody Wagner announced on Friday that 30 legislators from the General Assembly have endorsed her candidacy for Lt. Governor, including Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw.

That particular endorsement is noteworthy in that the LG’s most visible role is presiding over the senate.

Of the endorsements, several local Senators and Delegates were included:

  • Senator Louise Lucas, Chair of the Local Government Committee
  • Senator John Miller
  • Senator Yvonne Miller, Chair of the Transportation Committee
  • Senator Ralph Northam
  • Delegate Joseph Bouchard
  • Delegate Algie Howell
  • Delegate Bobby Mathieson
  • Delegate Paula Miller

“Jody Wagner was an integral part of the team that helped turn Virginia’s finances around and get the state back on the right track,” said Delegate Joe Bouchard. “That’s the kind of leadership we need in Richmond.”

Interesting. I thought that the secretary overestimated revenue and now we’re facing a deficit.

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