Great Milestone in Iraq

From CNN, “Coalition troops on Monday formally handed over security control of Iraq’s Anbar province — once the hub of the country’s Sunni insurgency, to Iraqis on Monday.” Is it all sunshine and roses? No, but it is a true milestone, in a good way. I like this quotation from a Guardian story:

Anbar was once off-limits to all but local people, with long-distance traffic rare on roads from Baghdad to Jordan and Syria. But the father of a Shia family who drove back to Baghdad from Syria this week through Anbar said: “It is safe. I had no fear about bringing my wife and children.”

Good writeup here at Castle Aargghhh! More spelled out here at Mudville Gazette. Thank you to our military and to President Bush.

Okay, that’s it for the news. Now everyone back to hyperventilating over the hurricane, ’cause the Gulf Coast has never had one of those before, and the Alaska Governor’s daughter’s boyfriend, because the idea of teenagers having a baby is also a stunning novelty. Pull the camera crews from the Anbar province and dispatch them to NOLA and Juneau, stat! America needs to see more pictures of rain falling/wind blowing and teenaged girls holding cute babies, because people, that’s news!

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