Obama/Biden v. McCain/Palin

Now that the stage has fnally been set and all the pieces are in place for this fall’s general election, it is time to look at the choice that Americans will face when they enter the voting booth on November 4.

For me, this choice can be summed up in one simple phrase: “A little less talk, and a lot more action.”

On the Democratic side, you have two candidates who have spent their entire careers talking a good game, but who are less known for the results they have delivered.  Barack Obama in particular has built an almost messianic following based solely on a few well-delivered speeches.  Indeed, Obama’s substantial oratorical skills have permitted him to rise through the political ranks with breakneck speed. Unfortunately, while Obama has become a pro at campaigning for higher office, what he has NEVER done in his brief career is to back up his words with significant action.  Now, Obama seeks the highest office in the land and asks the American voter to simply trust his ability to do things as yet unproven.

Likewise, Senator Joe Biden has spent the last 30 years entertaining himself and CSPAN junkies with the sound of his own voice.  Unfortunately, the love affair hasn’t quite translated to the electorate, as twice Joe Biden has run for President and been found wanting.  What Joe lacks in mellifluousness, however, he certainly makes up for in voluminousness.  Certainly the voters of America can appreciate the dire need for more talk in Washington.

On the other side, John McCain has spent his entire life doing the things that Barack Obama talks about.  Not only does John McCain have more leadership experience in his little finger than Obama has in his whole body, but he has time after time used that experience to get things done for the good of the country.  John McCain has stared down situations more dire than most people can even dream about and has walked away victoriously.  No person, no party, no crisis, and no enemy will phase him.  He will do what needs to be done, because he’s done it before. Simply put, we can count on him to deliver.

In Governor Sarah Palin, John McCain has picked a partner who has also shown an incredible ability to get things done no matter what the odds.  Not only is she a role model for working mothers all over this nation, but she has shown a toughness and an independence that neither of the Democrats can match.  She has beaten an incumbent, taken on her Party’s corrupt establishment, fought for reform and stopped the government from bilking the taxpayers out of billions.  She has spent her time in office logging an impressive list of accomplishments and, more importantly, she has earned the trust of her constituents.

In short, McCain and Palin have a track record of bipartisan and nonpartisan accomplishments that have brought immeasureable benefits to their constituents.  They each also have the confidence that comes with success in positions of executive authority.  Obama and Biden have ZERO executive experience. They also share a track record that is, to borrow a phrase, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

The choice couldn’t be clearer.

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