Snub of the Century?

Two people were out campaigning for Barack Obama before practically anyone else was.

But Oprah’s not going to be vice-president.

Tim Kaine, however, travelled across the country and was a proud, public supporter of Obama way back when it looked like a shoo-in for Hillary. Kaine gave the Democratic response to the President’s State of the Union address. Kaine left Richmond while the General Assembly was in town to help Obama campaign. Kaine is out with his face in TV cameras defending Obama while Obama snoozes on vacation. Biden isn’t. Nunn isn’t. Bayh isn’t.

If Obama doesn’t choose Kaine as his running mate, it has to be considered the snub of the century. Kaine stuck his neck out for Obama repeatedly before he became the “Chosen One.” Would Obama reward such support with a stiffarm?

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